To actively pursue our research activities the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation depends on your financial support.
Your donations will be used for
- Prostate cancer screening
- Continuous development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
- Continuous development of systemic therapies
- support of research projects
- Continuing educational events targeting both non-experts and experts
Our foundation welcomes your financial support in one of the following ways:
- Direct donation to the foundation's account:
Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG, Paradeplatz 8, CH- 8070 Zürich IBAN CH39 0483 5077 0526 9100 0 PC 80-500-4 SWIFT / BIC: CRESCHZZ80A in favor of "Stiftung Prostatakrebsforschung"
- Inheritance: You can appoint the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation as a beneficiary in your inheritance settlement.
- Patronage You could become a sponsor of our foundation by regularly donating an annual contribution of CHF 100.
- You may also contact us directly to make a donation.